Be a part of the mountains!

Be a part of the mountains!

The mountains are covered with a lot of snow.

But beware, we are not alone in the mountains – what is a space of freedom and relaxation for us is a home for the animals!

While we carelessly weave through the white slopes, we are entering the habitat of many animals. Let’s not forget about them.

Animals slow down their life rhythms in winter. Any movement in the snow requires a greater expenditure of precious energy, which is hard to replenish in the barren, food-scarce landscape. To avoid disturbing the animals, let’s behave discreetly, quietly, and above all, choose paths that avoid the immediate vicinity of potential animal habitats—such as solitary, snow-free bushes or areas with a higher concentration of animal tracks.

If the English language is not a problem for you, you can read more on the Be Part of the Mountain website.

Be Part of the Mountain